Two days during the working week I don’t go to work, I stay at home to look after my little girl. For two years we have done parks and playgroups, housework and cbeebies; the usual toddler activities. But this week I was feeling restless, I wanted to do something different.
I blame a book launch Rob and I went to at the weekend. It was for a photography book called Pendle Witch Country by Alastair Lee. Rob had sponsored his kickstarter so we got to go to the launch at Higherford Mill to meet Alastair and get Rob’s copy. The exhibition of his photography was beautiful; each picture a dramatic or beautiful scene of the countryside that surrounds our home. I poured through the book on Sunday evening and felt convicted that I need to spend more time outside because we really do live in a beautiful part of the world and I don’t want to take it for granted.
So yesterday I asked Orla if she wanted to go for a walk by a river. She said yes and asked if we could bring a picnic. Great idea! My mum was free to join us so we set off to the beautiful village of Barley and set off on our November walk.
Orla was happy even before we left the car park. Giant puddles for her to splash in, what more could a two year old want!
Barley is a place full of charm. Everywhere you look, there is something to see. The residents take great pride in their village and it is beautifully maintained. Chocolate box village comes to mind.
I can’t tell you what a great time we had. It was a perfect mild day. The clouds were grey and the autumn leaves were so golden; it was stunning! Orla loved investigating the puddles and finding sticks!
Once we had finished our work, we went back home for hot chocolate and then it was back into the usual routine of play, cleaning and getting ready for tea. But I am convinced, I need to do more of this in my life. Getting out in to the countryside, going for walks, exploring, seeing what is around the next corner.
I am so lucky to live in a part of the world where I am only ever a few minutes drive away from somewhere green. And I am so lucky to have time during the week to spend with my girl. It’s time we got out there more!
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