Bible Journaling: Who will intercede for them?


Here is my latest Bible Journaling entry and notes.  The passage is 1 Samuel 2:25


It blew me away thinking about how “God mediates for the offender” means that God acts on behalf of the person who has done wrong to bring us back into good relationship with one another. God makes us face up to the consequences of our sin, and often we wish he wouldn’t, but this verse reminded me that when God pushes us to own up to what we have done, apologise or make amends with others, that is not him punishing us but instead that is God standing by our side helping us to fix the problems we have made.  

As God mediates in our human disputes, so Jesus mediates and intercedes on our behalf to bring us into relationship with God. The answer to the  question; “Who will intercede for them?” is Jesus. God himself will mediate for the offender.  

How beautiful is the work of Jesus! 

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