Two down, twenty four to go! I’d better get my skates on as the days are flying by already. Here is what I have read so far:
A book you read in school – Macbeth
I read Macbeth in year 8 at School and have not re-read it since then. I remembered the main frame of the story but it was great to dive in to Shakespeare’s mad world once again. Now I have a real longing to go and see it performed live somewhere. I’m going to add that to my wish list for 2018.
A book from your childhood – Horrible Histories; The Vicious Vikings and The Measly Middle Ages
This was my second choice for a book from my childhood. My first choice was The Enchanted Castle by Edith Nesbit; it is a beautiful looking book about three children who discover a secret enchanted castle during their summer holiday. In theory, I should love it but as I struggled through the first five chapters vivid memories returned to me of reading this book as a child and how much I hated it! Turns out I still hate it. The children are insufferable, and a bit racist, the narration is annoying and things move slowly. I gave up on it and turned instead to a book that I remember loving as a child.
The wonderful Horrible History books are amazing, packed full of interesting facts and details and funny comics. They are easy to read and all these years later I still found the information new and fascinating.
Black humour and gory details are characteristic of the Horrible History books, hence the ‘horrible’! I am so glad that I kept this book and a couple of others from the series, I am intrigued to see if Orla will like them too when she is a bit older.
The next prompt is a A book published over 100 years ago. Weirdly, I have no idea what to read, classics like the Bronte’s work or something of Jane Austen jump to mind but I want to read something I haven’t read before. If you have any recommendations let me know in the comments!
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